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Spring Event 2016

Celebrating "500 Jahre Deutsches Reinheitsgebot"


The Texas German Day Council serves as an 'umbrella' organization for the many German groups in the North Texas area.


Once a year the TGDC organizes a  celebration to bring together all those in the North Texas area who have a connection to Germany to celebrate and share German culture.



Saturday, April 23, 2016

from 1:30 pm  to 4:30 pm

at the Bavarian Grill in Plano,Texas



Come by and enjoy an afternoon of beer tasting ($15.16pp) and/or enjoy a culinary trip through Germany ($15.15pp). 


Make it a night and stay for dinner and listen to the Texanische Schuhplattler and the Frohsinn Kapelle, a traditional Bavarian Brass Band.



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